Angel's Daily Dose Other Craft Sales vs Garage Sales

Craft Sales vs Garage Sales


Good afternoon,

Over the last week I have been thinking about things I could write about and While doing that my daughter and I have been going to different kinds of sales. When you go to a craft sale you kind of are looking for something you like and want to add you your house or something to make. When you go to a garage sale you are looking for a deal because you know people are trying to just get rid of stuff. So as I am going to these sales I think that some sales are just not even worth the time to stop. So I wonder what the people were thinking. It not like there is no planning on your part. I know it a lot of work. That why over the last few months instead of a garage sale post things online and have people pick up with not contact. you might not get as much as you want but there are people that love boxes of just one thing.

Don’t get my wrong I like Craft shows but I am only looking for something that I really need there and I know when I find something it not going to be cheap. Sometime think about just Donating it to a good cause, we all know there are people that need it right now. So thank you for reading this and maybe it made you think differently about what to do.

I will being thinking of other things but please if you like to bring something to my attention or want me to look into more I will be more then happy to.


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