This week I like to talk about our limits and when they get pushed too far. I know that I have had this happen to me these past couple of weeks. I was not sure how to handle it. So I had to look for something that would help me calm down.

Remember what makes you feel at peace and happiness. I know that I had to think and push myself into what I need to do. It is not always easy but it works in the end. Baking and reading help me. When I am baking I listen to pod cast and that also helps direct my mind to something else and calms the rest of me.

At night I go to bed early to read and that directs me to what I am reading and calms me to be able to sleep which I need. I know what I need and I just have to figure out how to make it happen for me.

I know this post has taken me a little longer. It’s hard to type one handed that is for sure. When you have a lot of things to do, but when you have to do it slow and one handed. I just know that my limits have been tested , but this is a time when I get to know myself. I know that changes are happening and I can’t stop it.

Thank you for following my journey and getting to know me.

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