Holiday Season

The Holidays are among us and we all are busy with shopping , cleaning, wrapping and planning dinner. I know that each year around this time is one of the hardest times I have to go thru. I lost my mom just before Christmas and her birthday and it has been hard ever since. I know people tell me it will get easier and I don’t see how. The one person I could talk to about anything was my mom and now I don’t have that. I know that I have friends and other family members I can talk to but my mom was different. She loved me for me and it didn’t matter what was going on in our life. She always tries and makes Christmas the best for all of us. I still have the present that I got her that year. I know one year it will be easy for me to get thru the holidays but I am not sure when that will be.

It is never easy being down for the holidays, but I try and put on a brave face and get thru it. Sometimes the ones that are supposed to be there for you, don’t listen and make things harder to handle. I know that I will be fine and get thru the holiday season again, but just remember when you see someone don’t judge them you don’t know what they are going thru.

I want to wish everyone that has followed me and went on this year-long journey with me. I will continue next year where I know I will have challenges that will have to deal with. I know that I will get thru them with help from others and myself.

One day it would be nice to get a prayer answered once, but it will happen when you least expect it.

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