Season changes, leaves change colors. What do we do to change? We change our clothes for the weather. So it is time to look back at the year and see what we have learned about ourselves and what is going on around us.

Start making plans on what to change the following months or year. I know that I have been thinking about what I want to do. Some things will be hard and slow, but I just have to make my goals small and have little victories.

There has been so much change in my life right now, I feel overwhelmed at times. I have a hard time dealing with it, so instead I stay busy and not think about it for a while. I know that it will catch up to me and I am going to have to face what is going on inside my head.

Sorry this one has taken me a while to write but I wanted to make sure others understand what I am going thru and what I have in front of me to face. I know some will have helpful tips and I am welcome of that. The others that have comments that I need to face what is coming and deal with it because it happens to everyone have no idea what it’s like in someone else’s shoes.

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