To Do List

This past month I have been trying to get back on track with things. So I started to make lists. I have a cleaning list, meal planning , to do list. This has made it easy for me to remember what I need to do. Sometimes I get side tracked and I am not sure what I should work on next. I even made a budget so I can figure out ways to save money. Everyone would love to be debt free and save money too. It is not always that easy. It has been a work in progress for me. I find ways to sell things I don’t need anymore or if that doesn’t work I donate it to a good cause. The feeling that you get when you help out other ways is the best feeling you could have.

I am still in the working stages of this plan. I just know one day it will all be worth it to me. This year I even tried to start growing my own vegetables but something has always gotten in the way. I know that I still have time. I just take it one day at a time.

Just remember that you can do anything that you want, it just takes time. Thank you again for letting me do this.

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