
These past 2 weeks I have been going through a lot. I have told you about my dog and me. Well on top of that I have not been feeling good until I got my infusion last week. Plus we had a craft show to get ready for. It’s been hard to get things done for me. So I had to take a step back and take care of myself. So I have been relaxing and taking it easy.

I got everything done for the show and I got my infusion and it takes a few days for me to get back to feeling great and getting things done. I have been reading and asking for advice on how to get my blog out there.

when you try to do things to help others you want to make sure you let others know. I know that I read a lot of different ideas and hope it works for me. Why not try something new and see if it works. Life is too short to live the same day twice. I know when life gives you lemons make lemonade. I know that I watch shows, listen to podcasts and learn more about life each day. Making changes in your own life is always good, because you never know what the next day will be like.

Thanks for this

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