Angel's Daily Dose Life When nothing goes as planned

When nothing goes as planned

This week didn’t go as planned. The reason why I say this is because I was not feeling the best. I had a craft show to get ready for, which takes a lot of time. I was trying to feel better so I could get my infusion at the end of the week too. Which takes a lot out of me. There were a lot of things that got put on the back burner. The show was great and I almost sold everything I brought with me.

Now it’s the end of the week and I am still trying to still get my energy level back up. Plus I need to catch up on the cleaning list I do each week. This is the time I need to take a step back and make sure I take care of myself first. It is not always easy for me because I have a lot of things I want to do and get done.

This weekend we also talk about some changes that we want to do to the house. Good changes for all of us. I am hoping this week I can get back on track. I just need one more day to rest and feel better.

Just remember that your health is always what needs to come first. If you are not good, you are no help to anyone.

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