Season Change

As you look outside and see the leaves changing color and fall out of trees. You start to think about the last year and how it is coming to end quickly.I know for me things have changed in my life. I am trying to hold things together but it’s hard.

I know that I missed last week, but I was unavailable. My health sometimes takes a front seat and I need to keep it in check. I am back and working on getting better. Each day is a new adventure that I have to overcome. I have a lot of people that count on me and I want to be there for those special moments in life.

I have a couple of craft shows coming up this month for Sweets 4 you. I am going to do my best to make what I can and do the shows. If you are thinking that you might need goodies for this up coming holidays look at her Facebook page.

I want to thank everyone that reads this, it help me know people care.

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Just wanted to talk about something that I see a lot of and wonder why. Every time some don’t like what happen in there life, they post it and wait


Season changes, leaves change colors. What do we do to change? We change our clothes for the weather. So it is time to look back at the year and see