
I would like to start with saying sorry that i have not kept up with this, but I have been not feeling well and need to take care of my self to do this.

Now onto what the word hurt means: When you live with someone that has depression the words you say can make a difference. Words can hurt more then you even know because you don’t know how the person feels.

I know that when someone in your life says something to you and you are down it make you feel like giving up. I know that when it happen to me that is how I felt. On top of that I didn’t feel well and it been a roller coaster ever since.

So the one thing I would let people know is watch what you say to the ones that have depression and make sure they are doing fine before you say something that you might hurt them and they give up on life.

I know that you need to have a support system and people you can go to and talk and let them help you. I know that I have that and i lean on them when I have a hard time. Plus find other thing that help you feel better about yourself.

I know for me I have to let things sit for the night and then the next day I have to remember what is important to me. I know that I couldn’t leave my dogs or my friends that have always been there and help when I need someone right there.

So sometime changes need to be made and I figure out what I have to do to make my self happy again. I work hard at that make health choices.

keep others in your minded before you say something out loud that can hurt others. It might change that person life.

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