Spring Clean

I not sure if anyone has started this, but I know I have, it amazing what you find when you are going thru things. I know that I have wanted to do something a long time but I never had the time. Now that I am not working outside that house and I am home more. I started really cleaning and organizing things. I am doing good so far. I cleaned half of my basement and the garage and already took a trip to goodwill. I know that where I give a lot of the clothes that I am getting rid of. I also going to set up for a garage sale that I have not got to do in a long time because I worked so much. It feels great to get things done. I know a lot of people say that the bigger the house the more stuff you have, I don’t believe that. I think that if you go thru things and just keep what you need or stuff that means a lot to you and you want to past down to your kids, that all you need. I know that it been easier for me to find things that I need when I am organized. Plus you have time to enjoy the beautiful weather we have.

Remember I am still doing craft shows for everyone puppies and dogs. I still raising money for my boy that means more to me then anyone could know.

So please follow us on Facebook and visit us at the show. Next one is Monticello this Sunday from 11-3

Please be kind to all

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