
This month is supposed to be full of Love with Valentine’s Day in it. But I don’t think that yuo need to have one day to show the person you love that they are special. Each day of the year should be for that. I think that the little things in life are what matter and when you are in a relationship the smallest thing you do can mean so much and go a long way.

I know that I don’t need any candy or flowers to show me that I am special, even a few words would work. just to let the person you love they mean the world to you. I know restaurants are busy, but why not take the time to cook together and just talk about what they other means to you. Each day is precious and making a memory that will last a life time.

I know that I take each day very serious, ad it because I have an illness that could end in death so I make each day counts as much as I can.

Pleaseall be kind to one another, and make each moment count.

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