Curve Ball

Hi everyone, I know it has been a while but I have a few difficult weeks. I had to go bck to work because I finished school and haven’t found a job in that field. During this time I ended up in the hospital because of a dsease I am dealing with. The job I had was only temporary but still since I would not commit to that and we to the hospital for my life, they moved on. Which for me is hard to swallow. I choice my life for a job. Well that is fine, I am working toward getting better and stronger.

I know that I don’t have all the answers right now and I don’t know what my future holds. I know that I am going to hold my head up high and take one day at a time. enjoy my life, do the things that I love and don’t worry about the things I can’t change.  My life means a lot to some people. I will always choice life over a job.

Nothing is important that life. So please keep me in your prays and on’t ever take anything for granted. we only have oene shot at all this.

I will post after this week is over. be kind to all

pray for the ones that dealing with the unknown.

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