There are a lot of people that don’t know what this is. It is primary sclerosing cholangitis . Which is a disease of the liver. I have dealt with it for over 10 years now. Everyone deals with it differently I know that for sure. There is no cure for it, from what I have been told over the years. I know that my specialist watches what they call a MELD score. Every doctor deals with patience differently with this as well. I know when I hit a number she is sending me to the transplant unit to get all my tests done to get on a list.

I am letting you know that with my ulcerative colitis and this some days are hard to get thru. Plus I have to be careful not to be around sick people cause I can get sick easily and it is hard for me to get better.

I have dealt with both of these for over 10 years and when another year goes by I always have questions about what I can do to be more healthy and not in pain. I am going to be changing medication again. This is my 5th one and I wish my body would stop kicking them out and not work.

These last to weeks that is what I have been dealing with. I got sick over Christmas and I been trying to get better ever since then.

So please understand I am going to continue this and share what is going on but each week is different.

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