Healthy Eating

As I learn to eat better I think about what is healthy and what is not something I need. I know there are all kinds of diets out there but that is not the kind I need. I don’t need to lose weight I need to put healthier foods in my body. I agree with some of the things others do like planting your own fruit and vegetables. But homemade is the best because then you know what is going on to the dish you are making. I think getting meat from somewhere you know that it is grass fed and how it is raised is an excellent source.

When it comes to eating, everyone will do things differently. I know that food is costing more, so we all need to find ways to eat health and save money at the same time. It is not easy for me as well. I have to find things that do more than one thing for me.

I know that I am trying but it is not easy for me. I try to make better meals and go out less cause you never know what is in when you order. This last year has taught me a lot about some people and what they believe in. I can’t always believe in the same thing but I can agree with some of it.

If you have land do what you can to make the most of it and grow what you want to eat. It is more healthier, plus it turns out you can learn new things on top of that like canning which is a good source.

I know next year I am going to try new things and learn new skills. I have what I want to do and I hope that things go my way for once and I can.

Happy Holidays

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