Angel's Daily Dose Business Starting a new Business

Starting a new Business

When starting a new business there is so much to think about. Name, Logo, pricing, etc…

When you think of the kinda business you want to start, you have to make sure you know all the right people. Plus you need the support from your family to make sure you are making the right decision. I know I always wanted to but I haven’t because I enjoy everything I do, when you make it a job it is not always fun anymore. I support two people now on starting their own business.

Each business is different. One business helps the other business in a few ways.

If you own chickens or reptiles and need meal worms , you can look up Minnesota Meal Worms to get some. We feed our chickens to them and they love that time of the day.

If you have baking needs you could look up Sweet 4 you and she can help you with that.

I am so happy for both of them for going after a dream of running their own business. Please let me know what you think and look both of them up.

Be kind and thank you for following me.

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