Who is Family?

Today I want to talk about family and friends. There are those you have that are family, but there are friends that you concert to be family. I know I have a few friends that I have more of my family than the ones that are family. I know the friends that I do have will be there for me faster than family members that I have. I want to help my family and the ones that I concert to be my family if I can. It is hard at times to spend time with everyone, but if I have learned anything with my health it is that I can count on a few.

There are people out there who don’t concern their pets as family but I know that I do. It is amazing what dogs know without saying anything at all. My dogs know when I need to have them close to me and the times that I need my space. That is why a lot of people have therapy animals. I know that there are times it is hard to get out of my house and not be judged. I do what I have to do to get thru my day. It is not always easy but I want to help.

If there was a way I could help without leaving my house I would do it. Everyone needs help in one way or another. I treasure my friends that are in my life. I know that I can’t see them as much as I would like to but I know they are there.

Thank you again for letting me do this, it is a great journey I am on and I can’t wait to see where else it takes me.

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