
With the holidays coming up it is hard for some of us. We all have struggles, sometimes we need help. I know that I have a hard time because my mom passed away around Christmas and it has never been the same to me. I do things that I enjoy and it helps me remember my mom, but that’s not always enough.

Right now we have major issues that we are trying to deal with. Around the holidays money is tight. I do everything I can to give back to others even when money is tight. My daughter has a baking business and we sell as much as we can to make other families have Christmas.

Plus when others are dealing with missing family members around the holiday season. I know that I am one of those people. I lost my mom the day before her birthday and a few days before Christmas. It has never been the same for me. I know I have a friend that deals with the same things I do. I just want to skip the holidays all together.

Please everyone that reads this remember there are people going thru hard times and you might not even know it. Keep them in your thoughts. Plus last thing is to remember those animals that don’t have homes this holiday season too.

Happy holidays to all

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