
This week topic is about friendship. Everyone has a different definition of friendship.

I know that for me it is someone that is always there for you no matter what. You can tell them anything that is wrong and they won’t judge you. I know when everyone has a hard time they need someone to talk to or go to help. Sometimes friends are right in your own home and other times they are not.

I know that I have a couple of friends that I could not go thru life without. I am there for them as much as they are there for me and that is what I think a good friend is.

I know this one is short this week and it was because I have been sick and trying to battle with getting better. It is hard when you are down, but this is where those friends that are there for you to check to make sure you are doing better each day.

Take a minute and see who your true friends are. You need more positive people in your life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, please comments

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